1640 search results
Recommendation 168:
Full decarceration of Indigenous women in the federal and provincial corrections system. No Indigenous woman should ever be sentenced into a colonial system.
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Recommendation 22:
From our findings, there is also a desire from business operators for further “clean-up of public spaces with local business”. Current actions are not satisfactory based on our interview findings. This ongoing challenge can be attributed to larger systemic issues. We stress that ‘clean-up’ does not mean increasing police presence in the neighbourhood.
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Recommendation 10:
From a child rights perspective, treating children as full rights bearers, (Michel v. Graydon, at para. 77) legal representation is a key form of children’s participation which ensures that children’s voices will be heard, and due weight will be given to their opinions (Tempesta, 2019). Legal representation should be provided in all cases involving children’s interests in order to sufficiently fulfil requirements from Article 12 of the UNCRC, including the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child safeguards and guarantees, referred to above. (Elrod, 2016; Lovinsky & Gagne, 2015; Martinson & Tempesta, 2018; Tempesta, 2019). As such, it is necessary to provide legal representation to all children (who choose it after obtaining meaningful information and advice about it and other choices), in all cases, including high risk cases, in order to protect their rights and promote their best interests in guardianship and family law proceedings regardless of the level of risk, as well as fulfil the requirements outlined by the UNCRC (Birnhaum, 2017; Birnbaum et al., 2016; Martinson & Tempesta, 2018; Tempesta, 2019).
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Recommendation 24:
Frequent family visits and family reunification must always be the top priority and never delayed due to shortages in MCFD resources. MCFD should ensure that staff understand the need to prioritize frequent family visits and, where feasible, work with community-based organizations that are supporting the parent to ease access.
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Recommendation 126:
Frequent family visits and family reunification must always be the top priority and never delayed due to MCFD’s own bureaucratic inefficiencies. Social workers must not be allowed to cancel family visits without written authorization from the Director.
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Recommendation 76:
Free skills training, retraining, and apprenticeships for Indigenous women in the DTES.
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Recommendation 87:
Free postsecondary tuition:
- Free tuition for all postsecondary education for all Indigenous women and girls.
- Eliminate all interest on existing student loans for Indigenous women and girls.
- Under the Single Parents Employment Initiative, extend tuition coverage to multi-year degrees and training programs and remove the restricted list of eligible careers and programs.
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Recommendation 29:
Free counseling should be provided to all youth and should be available on-line and inperson. Youth recommend providing young people with a choice in their counselor.
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Recommendation 6:
Formally recognize the National Occupancy Standards as merely guidelines and create new standards to guide occupancy rates in social housing and the private rental market.
- The NOS are not an accurate measure of housing stock suitability throughout Canada and they do not prevent overcrowding in their current form.
- The policy is being misused as guidelines for household composition and suitability.
- The NOS are a barrier for women with children seeking housing and are centred on the western ideal of the nuclear family.
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Recommendation 178:
For women who do not have primary custody of their children, prioritize the social bond between incarcerated mothers and their children. This includes:
- Funding for families to cover the costs and logistics of transportation for visits and child-friendly practices during visitation including visitation hours scheduled after school hours, no body searches of children, and allowance for physical contact.
- Visitation outside the prison setting.
- Free and unlimited phone calls and introduce video calling technologies, in addition to the right to open in-person visits.
- Family reunification as a priority post-release by providing all the necessary supports including housing, child care, and parenting support.
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