1640 search results
Recommendation 160:
Increase Indigenous women’s Access to justice by extending funding to guarantee all Indigenous women have access to full legal aid for criminal and civil legal matters including family, criminal, mental health, and poverty legal aid.
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Recommendation 61:
Increase income and disability rates to the Market Basket Measure to reflect the cost of an adequate standard of living, and index them to inflation.
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Recommendation 11:
Increase housing stock for Indigenous people in both urban and rural communities, on and off reserve, including safe secure housing for women, women as single parent families and men.
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Recommendation 40:
Increase harm reduction services for youth, including appropriate supplies, naloxone kits and training to use safely. In particular, youth in Williams Lake requested harm reduction services.
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Recommendation 85:
Increase funding to the Office of the Correctional Investigator for use of force reviews to include prisoner interviews.
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Recommendation 62:
Increase funding to the Human Rights Tribunal to stop extensive delays and restore service levels.
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Recommendation 46:
Increase funding for the Indigenous Languages Act to preserve, revitalize, and strengthen all Indigenous languages. This should include efforts to hire and accredit language speakers to teach the language as credit courses for Indigenous students.
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Recommendation 30:
Increase funding for permanent new Indigenous housing. Promote family reunification by providing family-sized, culturally-safe units in new permanent shelter-rate and social housing.
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Recommendation 61:
Increase funding for family law legal aid, raise the income cut-off for eligibility, and significantly increase the number of hours available per case.
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Recommendation 121:
Increase financial amounts provided to caregivers under MCFD’s Home of a Relative program.
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